Sorry about the slow release of my songs, im having technical difficulties at the moment because the music program i primarily use is on my external hardrive, which is broken and needs to be fixed (The wire connecting the two has gone wierd) So all the music I was making has been put on hold. I am, however, using the demo of FL studio to produce some smaller songs. I am in the middle of creating a tetris song remix. Please hold on and thanks for listening to my songs!
Oh how do you like using the demo of FL studio? Even if they're smaller songs than you're use to making, I'm sure it's better than nothing! I'm actually using the demo of Reason 8 and it's so nice
its a lot different to magix music maker but it is a lot better at making music. By that I mean i can actually make music, not just drag and drop. I will hopefully be buying the full program in the future! Also I am now uploading the second song i have made on the FL demo. Please go check it out and tell me what you think!